Arcane Shards | |
New Spells | Everybody likes New Spells. Here are a few from my 2nd Edition
campaign. Those people who are using 3rd Edition rules should have no problem
in modifying these spells to fit the 3rd Edition templates. |
New Magic Items | Here you will find a selection of New Magic Items from
my campaign. Some are minor magics, while others are unique items of special
power and history. |
Wondrous Materials | In a world where arcane energies course through all things, Wondrous
Materials will be found. Some of these materials can be used as the
raw materials for great and powerful magicks. |
Artifacts | Every DM has strong opinions about many things. One of my favorite topics
for contemplation is the subject of Artifacts. Can't get more tantalizing
then that! In fact... this is one of my favorite methods of torturing my
players... I'll be leafing through one of my many piles of DM-info for something
while we are gaming and I'll suddenly stop, stare with a look of wonderment
at a certain folder of paperwork and say "Oh look! It's the Artifacts Sheet!"
;-) Upon which they descend into a sort of envious depression. They know
that enumerated upon those pages are the locations, owners, and abilities
of all the artifacts that I have decided to place within my version of the
World of Greyhawk. |
The Codex of the Infinite Planes | There are several features of my campaign world that are more important
to what I term the "Big Picture". The Codex of the Infinite Planes
is one of these things. As you'll soon see, it is by far my favorite magic
item/artifact and it lies at the very center of most of the epic threads
that weave through the many portions of my Greyhawk campaign world. I had
a lot of fun writing this up from my campaign notes, after being prodded
by the August members of the Greytalk list back in October of 1996. It has
since been modified over the years and benefitted from the suggestions of
many, including Dave Gross (editor of Dragon at the time). For those who
have read my article before on my old website, I've added a major new section
on Remote Interaction that people may find interesting. About the article.... The Codex is, in a word I coined on Greytalk over 12 years ago, an "Elder-Artifact". It predates all the known gods, and surpasses the power of entire pantheons. Dangerous is an understatement! Are you having problems resolving things like "How the heck could a mortal like Zagig entrap Greater/Lesser/Demi-gods?", "Why would the other gods allow a God/Artifact/MereMortalMage fry half a continent?", "How do you crush a planet (Borka) or swallow a sun (Anti-Liga) and not run afoul of entire pantheons of gods?" I present here a simple resolution of all those classic Greyhawk problems, and much, much more! I've tried to maintain compatibility with every remotely related TSR
product up to the time the article was originally written, however, see
the end of the article for important notes on the timeline and its compatibility
with existing materials, both official and not. |
Mechanics of Destruction: Origins of the Twin Cataclysms | This article, co-authored by Rick "Duicarthan" Miller and myself,
first appeared in the Oerth Journal #22. Mechanics of Destruction:
Origins of the Twin Cataclysms expands upon a possible mechanism
for producing the effects of the Rain of Colorless Fire and Invoked Devastation,
as well as presenting 3rd Edition D&D rules for the spells and artifacts
involved during this catastrophe. |
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