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Maldin's Greyhawk

City of Greyhawk NPC List

by Denis Tetreault
 Version 1.0

Here you will find the most complete list of City of Greyhawk NPCs that has ever been created, at around 400 entries. Each annotated NPC entry has a brief description plus page references where DMs can find further details. Some of those list here, such as those found in the WGA1-3 Falcon series of modules, may be dead (or in prison) after a particular  module is assumed to have been run, or their status may change after the Greyhawk Wars shake up the Flanaess. If an NPC changes (or dies), information is listed for several different times through the Greyhawk timeline. Those NPCs (including those on the dead scrolls) are still listed here so that this resource can be used by all DMs, no matter what year their campaign is set in - prewar, postwar, or deep in the thick of the Greyhawk Wars. Both WGA1-3 the Falcon series and WGA4 Vecna Lives! are assumed to have occured in CY581. If you look very carefully, you will find some hidden gems. I'll continue to add more as I find them.
Encounter list Key  
  1. "Aaron Strachan", Mh, 16M LG, actually Elskan Samarade, ambassador from Furyondy, FFF8, FAC7, post-war no longer disguised, see Elskan Samarade
  2. Abrazaldin Hosk, Mh, 20W NE, post-war Senior Tutor of the University of Magical Arts, replaced Tobin Potriades in CY591, 5LGJ6
  3. Adari Farwander, Mgn, 10P N, head Priest of Fharlanghn, sage and cartographer, FFF29
  4. Adarian Herbifrage, Mh, NM [Exp4] NG, botany sage, Card14
  5. Aestrella Shanfarel, Fhe, 11HD LN(G), Greyhawk dragon, grand diva of Royal Opera, associated with Kahari, Otto, FFF75, TAB85
  6. Agarat Esiassen, Mh, 9P CE, priest of Incabulos, arms smuggler, graverobber, associated with Selczek, FFF56
  7. Alamant Bounder, Mhl, [2Com] NG, alcoholic and mentally unstable carter from city workhouse, 5LGJ4
  8. Aldon, Mh, 6P CE, priest of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  9. Aleta, Fh, 1P LG, acolyte of St.Cuthbert, assist. to Nicholi Nortoi in Shacktown, 2Falc50
  10. Alhamazad the Wise, Mh, 19W LN, post-war member of the Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, 0LGJ7
  11. Alia Halaby, Fh, 3F LN, just another fighter, Grugrunk gang, GA113
  12. Allentar Grassfield, Mhl, 12T N, henchman of Drawmij, Vec89
  13. Almarth the Halt, Mh(rhen), 8F CE, Vecna cultist, probably dead after CY581, Vec78
  14. Almerin Skiari, Mh, 7F LN, ambassador of Keoland, (post-war), FAC60
  15. Alphonse Ordealle, Mh, 11M N, headwaiter at the Gold Dragon Inn, GoF64, TAB90
  16. Alsi Svenits, Fh, 4B9P CN, head priest of Olidammara, TAB119
  17. Alzahim, Mh, 7T LN, elder leader of “Little Ket”, diplomat, TAB105
  18. Amadeus Wolfzart, Mh, NM [Exp8] N, Director Royal Opera House, FFF60
  19. Amlos, Mh, 9F N, Capt. of the Guard, Maldin & Elenderi’s shop of the arcane, this website
  20. Andrade Mirrius, Mh, 11P* NE, Patriarch of Nerull, Horned Society Hierarch, Pit owner, Cult leader Shriven Sickle, associated with Pietain, FFF77, post-war 18Priest, aka Aros Mander (West City Warehouse owner and merchant), TAB91,108
  21. Anton Palmirian, Sir, Mh, [?Ari] LE, Chief judge, Guildmaster Lawyers & Scribes, on city Olig., FFF34,92, TAB64
  22. Anton Wainwright, Mh, ? ?, Master wagon builder, Lord Wainwright’s son, GoF41
  23. Aodis, Mh, 2F[2Ari] N, owner of Nymph and Satyr Inn, TAB89
  24. Archael Hamalen, Mh, [8Ari] CG, manager Alliance of Tenha Workers, TAB77
  25. Arkalan Sammal, Mh, [Exp17] LN, Kettite sage and brother to Rary, TAB97, 5LGJ8
  26. Arkandy Benris, Mh, 12P LN(G), head Priest of Pholtus FFF29, TAB107
  27. Aros Mander, see Andrade Mirrius
  28. Artur Jakartai, Mh, 11F LG, Knight of Holy Shielding, associated with Valderesse Sharn, FFF73, FAC11
  29. Arvanter Kuleris, Mh, 4P CN(G), head Priest of Procan, FFF29
  30. Asperd Vondragan, Mh, 4T CN, former Bardschool “jumps” captain, 5LGJ8
  31. Aurora, Fh, 9M NG, associated with Temple of St.Cuthbert, 2Falc50
  32. Avrel Riskar, Mh(rhen), 9F12T NG, Rhennee noble, Vec78
  33. Axel Tharnhew, Md, 14F LG(N), proprieter Gold Digger Tavern, retired adventurer, GoF85, TAB119
  34. Bamadar Kadarel, Md, 8F LG, recruits adventurers for Ulek & Irongate, (post-war), FAC77
  35. Barch Hillclimber, Mh, dpty constable, cmdr of River Watch Station, associated with Temple of Heironious
  36. Barlo Millrose, Mh, NM NG, owner Millrose Brewery, GoF86
  37. Barris Bechetir, Mh, 8P CN(E), head Priest of Ralishaz, GoF89, post-war drowned, TAB126
  38. Barsin, Mh, 7F NE, Romar's partner, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  39. Bartholomew, Mh, 5Pal LG, champion of St.Cuthbert, hunts undead, Torval Mishkar's partner, 2Falc52
  40. Barwick, Mh, 5M NG, associated with Temple of St.Cuthbert, 2Falc50
  41. Bashair Shastri, Mh, 7F N, member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  42. Basher Grundig, Mg, 6F LN, Coppersmiths' guildmaster, TAB112, 2LGJ7
  43. Beryn Talkin, Mh, 9P CE, priest of Iuz, visits only on special missions, probably dead after CY581, Vec79
  44. Bessia, Fh, 5P CE, priestess of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  45. Bigby, Mh, 19M N, member Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, FFF22, Vec84, 0LGJ8, this website
  46. Blain Wintergard, Mh, 8F LN, retired gladiator from the Pit, broke, drunk, FFF81
  47. Bodmi Hollardel, Mh, ? ?, Guildmaster of Jewelers and Gemcutters, on city Oligarchy, FFF33
  48. Bolo Bargaffer, Mgn, 5Ill NG, Grand Theatre f/x, FFF60
  49. Brack Snagtooth, Md, 12F NG, owner Barge Inn & Snagtooth Shipbuilding, most respected dwarf, GoF82, WCG37, TAB77,109
  50. Brenja Longbaker, Fhl, 0Lv[2Exp]  LG, manager of Old Mill, TAB94, 4LGJ9
  51. Bwain, Mh, 1P LG, acolyte of St.Cuthbert, assist. to Nicholi Nortoi in Shacktown, 2Falc50
  52. Caprica Molara, Fh, 10F NE, insane Assassin, member Cult of the Shriven Sickle, FFF44, FAC11
  53. Captain Galrese, Mh, 7F N, captain of the Pentagram (caravel), only when ship is in dock, this website (soon)
  54. Cariel Mansharen, Mh, 6F4M LE, member Merchants’ and Traders’ Union, FAC8, post-war on city oligarchy TAB64,118
  55. Carmen Halmaster, Mh, 8T N, member Merchants' and Traders' Union, Thieves Guild, on city Oligarchy, FFF6, TAB64,115, 2LGJ9
  56. Celbar, Mh, 1P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  57. Cerenoc, Mh, 9F[8Exp] LN, weaponsmith, proprietor of the Nine of Swords, Artisans, 2LGJ11
  58. Cevin Efstri, Mh, 5W NG, owner of Red Serpent Restaurant, martial arts expert, wife is Enkar, TAB104
  59. Christa, Fh, NM N(CN), "little Miss Streetwise" (12 yrs old), future thief, FFF81, FAC12, post-war 7T, Union of Couriers and Messengers guildmaster, City Depot, TAB123
  60. Clannair Blackshadow, Me(drow), 5F8M NE, Shapechanger, hides in Lord's tomb by day, FFF52, FAC11
  61. Clarissa Damaris, Fm, 1T CN, daughter of Ricard at the Green Dragon Inn, TAB106
  62. Connery, Mh, 9M NG, member in good standing Wizard's Guild, 2Falc16
  63. Corben DeBlare, Mh, 9Bard CG, underground entertainer, wanted by Guild of Performing Artistes, FFF81
  64. Corroben, Mh, 3F N, barman at World's End Tavern, Card11
  65. Count Kyrine Nauxanth, Mh, 9F LE, ambassador of Aerdi, (post-war), FAC60
  66. Count Reichart Petrides, see Reichart Petrides
  67. Crackdot, Mh, 7F N, Lieut. of the Guard, Maldin & Elenderi’s shop of the arcane, this website
  68. Cymria of Celadon, Fe, 12F11M CG, henchman of Tenser, Vec90
  69. Darek Halfplow, Md, 7T ?, freelance thief, apparently retired miner, GoF93
  70. Darnak Khorshkan, Md, 6F N, Head porter, Guild of Wizardry, FFF17, post-war retired, replaced by Dunar
  71. Darred Hebbren, Mh, 13M NG, wizard living in Artisan Qtr, apprentice Turbon, Card22, 2LGJ10
  72. Deena Pandari, Fh, 7P CN, post-war head priest of Ralishaz, TAB126
  73. Delmanarah Efrine, Fh, 9W(Div) CG, ambassador from the County of Urnst, (post-war), FAC60
  74. Derider Fanshen, Fh, 13P NG, Constable of Greyhawk, priest of Pelor, on city Oligarchy, FFF10, GA36, PG30, TAB63,81
  75. Derken Gale, Fe(drow), 6F7M CE, owner Black Orchid Boarding House, GoF87
  76. Dernen Nathane, Mh, 2F5T N, Merchants' and Traders' Union guildmaster, Thieves Guild, on city Oligarchy, associated with Gerda Hollardel, FFF6, FAC8. TAB64,95,117, 5LGJ5
  77. Devin Halfhock, Mho, 11T9F N(L)E, owner pawnshop, secret entrance to Thieve's Guild, GoF87, TAB122
  78. Deyani Mor, Fh, 5P LN, head priest of Osprem, TAB120
  79. Diarmid Hesperion, Mh, 8F NG, Spymaster Beggars' Union, FFF46, disappeared in CY588, TAB126
  80. Dmitri Valonis, Mh(rhen), 4F4T* N(NE), ambitious Rhennee, controls Jr. Sergeant Lodol, FFF78
  81. Dooth Wyrmsill, Mho, ?  CE, crude and stupid assassin, GoF87
  82. Dophdar, Mgn, 6W(Ill) CG, Zibber's twin brother, Card7
  83. Dougal McBain, Mh, ?F ?, Ostlers' and Brewers' Guildmaster, owner Brazen Hippogriff, FFF36
  84. Drawmij, Mh, 18M N, member Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, FFF23, Vec84, 0LGJ8 , this website
  85. Drianna, Fh, 1P LG, acolyte of St.Cuthbert, assist. to Nicholi Nortoi in Shacktown, 2Falc50
  86. Duke Garand, Mh, 11F LE, pre-war "boss" of Foreign Qtr, loanshark, property owner, Pit bookie, GoF79, post-war killed by Thieves Guild, TAB103
  87. Dunar Khorshkan, Fd, 7F LN, post-war Head Porter of the Guild of Wizardry, replaced retired fathar Darnak, TAB87
  88. Dunnlen Samrad, Md, 3T NG, apprentice locksmith of Grimmri Fischer, FFF70
  89. Dwaven May, Fhe, 1W CG or NG, proprietess of the Wizard's Hat Inn, GoF81, TAB106
  90. Dwenn Hyer, Mh, 1F NE, member City Watch, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, 2Falc48
  91. Dwinnam, Mh, 4P CE, priest of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  92. Edwina, Fpseudodrag, 2HD N(NG), familiar of Jallarzi Sallavarian, FFF82
  93. Elbrak, Mh, 10W N, employee of Maldin and Elenderi, 2 LGJ10, this website
  94. Elenderi, Mh, ?W ?N, archmage, co-owner of Maldin & Elenderi’s shop of the arcane, usually disguised, 2LGJ10, this website
  95. Elkiar Rusman, Mh, 3F N, leader of the Gnarleymen, hard-up mercenaries, (post-war), FAC76
  96. Elskan Samarade, Mh, 17M LG, ambassador from Furyondy, Garden, TAB84
  97. Elraniel Tesmarien, Me, 13M CG, Nyrondese sage, Grey College tutor, one of the People of Testing, (post-war), FAC79
  98. Embar Dessid, Mh, 7P CE, priest of Iuz, leader Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  99. Emul Barq, Mh, 2T N, manager of the Gold Phoenix Inn, TAB91
  100. Enkar Efstri, Fh, 5F NG, wife of Cevin, owner of Red Serpent Restaurant, TAB104
  101. Ephraim Blackrod, Mh, ? ?, master of ceremonies Univ of Magic, FFF20
  102. Eric Goodfellow, Mhe, 4M NG, proprietor of High Tower Tavern and Hostelry, GoF63, TAB90
  103. Eridok Golbedor, Mh, 12F NG, owner of Eridok's Expedition Provisions, retired adventurer, 2LGJ10, this website
  104. Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel, Fh, 11P LN(?G), head Priest of St.Cuthbert, GoF63, FAC9, TAB63,89
  105. Erkennis (Sergeant), Mh, 3F LG, River Quarter Nightwatchmen Guild Station, FFF86
  106. Ernest Parstiche, Mh, [Ari3] N, lord of manor day's ride west, hog breeder, brother of Waldo, GoF74, 2LGJ9
  107. Erollson, Mh, 8Sage NG, Humankind sage, owns farm 5mi S of city, GA104
  108. Erthin Mansharn, Mh, 2F NG, owner Whitehorse Inn, half-brother to Cariel Mansharn, TAB117
  109. Etin Derecs, Mh, 13F LE, Warden of the Citadel since CY585, TAB 81
  110. Fassin, Mh, 3P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  111. Fedden, Mh, NM ?G, cook at the Whistling Fish inn, 1Falc6
  112. Fedroot, Mh, 2F[4Exp] CN(E), master weaponsmith, owner Fedroot’s Daggerarium, GoF90, TAB127
  113. Felipe Namarhz, Mh, ?  ?, pre-war owner of the Blue Dragon Inn, financed & controlled by Duke Garand, GoF78, post-war, gone, TAB101
  114. Figril Himman, Mh, 6P LG, priest of St.Cuthbert, assist. to Eritai, 2Falc51
  115. Finnobhar Aodhin, Mhe, 9B NG, owner of Star of Celene Inn, TAB90
  116. Finx Klimm, Mh, 1F NE, member City Watch, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 2Falc48
  117. Fionor Clawhand, Mh, 6F LN, manager of Snagtooth Shipbuilding, WCG37, TAB77
  118. Fioranna Aielestriel, Fe(grey), 12M NG(CG), ambassador from Nyrond, (replaced in post-war by Sir Ranald Immanen), FFF7, TAB85
  119. Foreman Fenrous, Mgn, 4F LN, city chief engineer, runs the City Depot, GoF87, TAB123
  120. Forlorn, Mho, 6F LE, sergeant-major, Duke Garand's enforcer, GoF79
  121. Frallow, Mh, 2P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  122. Gardin, Mh, 1P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  123. Garth, Mh, 1F LN, guard in the City Watch 16 yrs, night duty on wall just south of Cargo Gate
  124. Garyne the Shroudrender, Mh, 7P NE(LE), priest of Nerull, Cult of Shriven Sickle, norm tunnels, FFF58
  125. Gaspar, Mh, 10F N, the Beggarmaster Beggars' Union, FFF45, disappeared in CY588, TAB126
  126. Gavin Ambus, Sir, Mh, 13F LG, Nightwatchmen Guildmaster, FFF15, TAB66
  127. Gerda Hollardel, Fh, 3T CN, guildmaster of Jewelers and Gemcutters' Guild, associated with Dernan Nathane, on city oligarchy, TAB63,95, 5LGJ5
  128. Geren Laraith, Mh, 5Ran NG, Fellowship of the Torch, FFF69, FAC72
  129. Ghrigiel (Elder Brother), Mh, 12P LE, priest of Nerull, Scarlet Brotherhood ambassador, (post-war), FAC67
  130. Glayrin Mok, Hm, 3F NE, albino, Sewerman and Streetcleaners’ guildmaster, City Depot, TAB123
  131. Glenda Silvertoe, Fhl, 11T LG, chief barmaid at Gold Digger Tavern, GoF85, post-war chief cook, TAB119
  132. Glodreddi Bakkanin, Md, 10T LE, inspector of taxes, on city Oligarchy, FFF13, TAB64,88
  133. Glorial, Fh, 5M N, young apprentice & concubine of Otiluke, GoF83
  134. Gom the Enforcer, Mho, 8T[3Ass] NE, disfigured therefore wears a mask, “security expert” and murderous “problem solver” (2nd Ed campaigns should roll  Gom’s prestige class levels into T), 5LGJ7
  135. Goros Redpate, Md, 3F LN, guildmaster of Architects' and Stonemasons Guild, TAB112, 2LGJ7
  136. Gratius Saghast, Mh, ? ?, sage, head librarian at the Great Library of Greyhawk, GoF67
  137. Grendel Trinkwasser, Mh, ? N?, Butchers' Guildmaster, FFF31
  138. Griffith Adarian, Mh, 9Dr N, druid of Obad-Hai, Griffith/Rachleach, FFF75, FAC12
  139. Grimmri Fischer, Mgn, 8T NG(CG), Fellowship of the Torch, owns locksmithy, FFF70, FAC71
  140. Gritch Hariad, Mh, ?[ Exp7] N, blind master jeweler, operates under protection from Thieve's Guild, GoF87, TAB124
  141. Grotnek Urtekknis, Mho, 8F8T NE, Cult of Shriven Sickle, norm underground, FFF59
  142. Gruenab, 11+1HD CG, owner Whistling Fish inn, 1Falc5, PG31, TAB111
  143. Grugrunk Abedluthic, Fho, 7P LE, priest of Luthic, gang leader, GA113
  144. Guiliana Mortidus, Fh, 12P NE, priest of Nerull, owner of the Gold Phoenix Inn, TAB91
  145. Guldan Rockflint, Fh, 9P LG, head Priest of Ulaa, GoF90, TAB128
  146. Gundri Garraldson, Mg, 10T N(LE), owns locksmithy, main entrance Assassin's Guild, GoF89, TAB126
  147. Gustin Longpike, Mhe, 3F LN, post-war owner of the Blue Dragon Inn, former Perrenlander mercenary, TAB101
  148. Haarkon Diardra, Mh, 10T CG, Taskmaster Beggars' Union, FFF45
  149. Halbard Broom, Mh, NM NE, Adarian Herbifrage's rival, Card14
  150. Hargreth, Mh, 3F N, barman at World's End Tavern, Card11
  151. Harral Shastri, Mh, 9M LE, Shapechanger, FFF52
  152. Harran Fanshen, Mh, [2Exp] N, Leatherworkers' Guildmaster, TAB113, 2LGJ8
  153. Harsi, Fh, NM ?G, Gruenab's right hand at the Whistling Fish, mother of Willy, 1Falc6
  154. Harwin Yargrove Mh, [3Exp] CG, foreman at the Millrose Brewery, TAB121
  155. Hawar Leek, Mh, 9P CE, priest of Incabulos, appears as traveling ascetic, GoF87
  156. Hector the Goat, Mh, ? ?, polymorphed into a goat, politian, Card22
  157. Hegar Mageddis, Mh, 8F CN, just another horny fighter, Card11
  158. Heironymous Tigana, Mh, 12M N(NE), alchemist, G. of Wizardry, FFF19, TAB87
  159. Heironymous Spune, Mh, 5P LN(E), priest of Wastri, terrorist, Card1
  160. Hendrik Fardrin, Mh, 7F N, owner World's End Tavern, Card11
  161. Henway, Lord, Mh, 1F NG, wealthy mine owner, maintains a public menagerie, GoF58, TAB83
  162. Hevel Wheatsmill, Lord, Mh, [7Exp] N, owner of the Old Mill, wealthy, GoF68, TAB94
  163. Hewler Silverfox, Mh, 3F LG, Chancellor of Grey College, Iolavai House, Tab93, [3Ari], 4LGJ7
  164. Hiram Macksenian, Mh, ? ?, Observatory Tutor, full professor Grey College, GoF41
  165. Horst Manual, Mh, 3F CN, pre-war leader of Gnarlyhouse, GoF72, post-war alumnist Horst 5F N, war hero, elected Public Council member for Clerkburg, TAB99
  166. Hubert Mazian, Mh, 3T CN, toy thief, FFF89
  167. Hugo Dorfmann, Mh, ? ?, Guildmaster of Dockers' and Wharfmens' Union, FFF32
  168. Imiric von Suss-Varren, Count Mg, 11F12W(Ill) NG, fought Vecna cult, knows Circle of 8, former henchman of Otiluke, Vec90, TAB119
  169. Imogen Gellet, Fh, 9T CE, Shapechanger, barmaid at Green Dragon Inn, FFF52
  170. Imre Petrosian, Mh, ? ?, Guildmaster Sewermens' & Streetcleaners' Union, associated with Old Mother Grubb, FFF37
  171. Iquander, Mh, 11W LN, chief administrator of the Great Library of Greyhawk, Tab94, 4LGJ7
  172. Irzee, Fm, 1T N, barmaid at Left Hand Inn, spy for Thieves’ Guild, TAB127
  173. Jaffee, Mh, 5F NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  174. Jaikor Demien, Mh, 5F10P LG, head Priest of Heironeous, FFF29, TAB92
  175. Jallarzi Sallavarian, Fh, 17M NG, member Circle of 8, associated with Derider Fanshen, familiar Edwina, FFF27, Vec85, 0LGJ8, TAB88 , this website
  176. Jamir Rellstar, Mh, 5M6P NE, priest of Nerull, Cult of Shriven Sickle, gambler, FFF58
  177. Janziduur Euroz-slayer, Fh, 7F13P CG, head Priest of Trithereon, associated with Laup Cobrun, FFF29, FAC8, FAC11, TAB110
  178. Jarufel Seffairen, Mhe, 6Bard CG, Grand Theatre performer, devotee of Olidammara, FFF60
  179. Jaryn Lejenaus, Mh, 8F N(NE), carpenter’s apprentice, assassin, (post-war), FAC81
  180. Jaskar Smithson, Mh, 4P N, priest of Jascar, Blacksmith's Guildmaster, TAB112, 2LGJ7
  181. Jawal Severnain, Me(drow), 12M2F LN, Librarian, Guild of Wizardry, FFF17, TAB87
  182. Jawan Sumbar, Mgn, 15T17W(Ill), Master Cartographer and Guildmaster, FFF32, TAB103
  183. Jerilyn Tallinn, Fh, 4T LE, just another thief, Grugrunk gang, associated with Moriton Tallinn, GA113
  184. Jerome Kasinskaia, Mh, 20P LG(NG), Patriarch of Rao, on city Oligarchy, FFF29, FAC8, TAB63,110
  185. Jinzar Short, Mh, [2Exp] LN, manages Left Hand Inn, nephew of former owner “Mad Al”, TAB127
  186. Jogg the Titan, Mho, 9F NE, post-war owner of False Dukes’ Stables (formerly owned by Lucious Stairnezh, TAB125
  187. Johanna, Fh, 14P N, priestess of Boccob, henchman of Otto, visiting, Vec91
  188. Kaak'erek Arglowan, Fhob, 5P2HD CE, shaman of Incabulos, stays on ship except night raids, associated with Agarat, FFF56
  189. Kaarain Mandair, Fh, 7P CE, Priest of Erythnul, works w/ Old Mother Grubb, FFF51
  190. Kahari Kellainen, Mhe, 5P CG, Director Grand Theatre, priest of Lirr, FFF60, priest of Olidammara TAB90
  191. Kaltek Werm, Mh, 9F ?, Warden of the Citadel Prison, GoF53, post-war imprisoned for corruption, died during interrogation by Etin Derecs in CY585
  192. Kapil Shrikkanth, Mh, 4T6F N, member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  193. Kardis, Mh, 12M N, skilled sage on outer planes, often away doing research, 2LGJ5
  194. Karin Keoffel, Fh, [3Exp] NG, proprieter of the Fruit of the Mill, associated with Yrag, GoF75, TAB114, 2LGJ8
  195. Karol Zagan, Fh, 2P N, priest of Celestian, Observatory Tutor, TAB74
  196. Kee Arkguard, Mh, 7Ill NE, Grugrunk gang member, GA113
  197. Kelas Arnad, Mh, 6P3+1HD LE(NE), priest of Incabulos, wererat, FFF91
  198. Kiaran Azharuddin, Mh, 6F LN, member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  199. Kieren Jalucian, Mh, 18M NG, Master of Guild of Wizardry & University, on city Oligarchy, FFF16, FAC9, PG31, TAB63,87, 5LGJ6
  200. Kimi, Mh, 13T ?, Kaltek Werm's manservant, never leaves apartment (so, why is he here?), GoF53
  201. Kirilarien Allavesse, Fe, 6P6M NG, Fellowship of the Torch, FFF69, FAC72
  202. Kondradis Bubka, Mh, 12M N, mage of exchange, Guild of Wizardry, FFF18, post-war replaced by Pateris after disappearing
  203. Korba, Mh, 1P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  204. Kriss Naipal, Mh, 5F LN, member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  205. Kuppis Deezen, Mh, NM NE, Aide to the Mayor, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc49
  206. Kymm Warde, Mh, ?T N, mngr Hanged Man Inn, friend & lieut. of Org Nenshen, Thieve's G. mostly owns inn, GoF88
  207. Lactile Furlo, Mh, 12B N, High Tutor and headmaster of the Bardschool, GoF70, TAB96, 5LGJ7
  208. Lady Silverfox, Fh, 4T N, Lord Silverfox’s widow, TAB84
  209. Landau Wainwright, Mh, ? ?, Master wagon builder, Lord Wainwright's younger brother, GoF41
  210. Larrat Helfdene, Mh, 5F6T CG, Master thief Slum Quarter, blown cover as spy in Beggars' Union, FFF41
  211. Latmin Doru, Mh, 6P LG, priest of St.Cuthbert, assist. to Eritai, 2Falc51
  212. Laup Cobrun, Mh, ? ?, Merchants' and Traders' Union, on city Oligarchy, associated with Janziduur, FFF6, replaced by Stimtrin in CY589, TAB118
  213. Lemajen Sterrich (Sir), Mh, 10R NG, Knights of the Hart rep., merchant, (post-war), FAC70, TAB101
  214. Leonardo, Mh, 7M CG, associated with Temple of St.Cuthbert, 2Falc50
  215. Link Pipinenses, Mhl, 6T CN, part owner The Free Traders, spelljamming merchants, associated with Trelestina, GSP78
  216. Lodol (Jr. Sergeant), Mh, 2F N, sergeant in city watch, controlled by Dmitri Valonis, FFF78
  217. Lord Henway, see Henway
  218. Lord Robilar, see Robilar, Lord,
  219. Lord Silverfox, Mh, ?F  ?, wealthy noble, explorer, trader, breeds war hounds, GoF59, post-war is dead, widow is Lady Silverfox
  220. Lord Wainwright, Mh, ?  ?, Head Master wagon builder, GoF41
  221. Lord Wheatsmill, see Hevel Wheatsmill
  222. Loz Toron, appears as Mh, 16?Sor CN, 2LGJ5
  223. Lucious Stairnezh, Mh, 8F ?CN, pre-war owner livery and shipping service, actually Erik Du Urnst, GoF89, died in prison CY586, stables now owned by Jogg, TAB125
  224. Mad Al, Mh, ? ?, obnoxious owner of the Left Hand Inn, GoF89, post-war murdered, nephew Jinzar now manages inn, TAB127
  225. Madame Serena, Fh, ? ?, old fortuneteller, GoF85, post-war is dead, TAB118
  226. Madame Zaccaruso, see Zaccaruso, Madame
  227. Maldin, Mh, ?W ?N, archmage, co-owner of Maldin & Elenderi’s shop of the arcane, usually disguised, 2LGJ10, this website
  228. Mama Esther, Fh, [ Exp4] CG,  baker, owner of Mama Esther's Bakery and Boarding House, GoF88, TAB124
  229. Mara Zonin, Fh, 7P CE, priestess of Iuz, leader Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc50
  230. Maranda Haradraith, Fh, 9P LG, priest of Rao, wife of ambassador Parras, (post-war), FAC62
  231. Marcan Tamlayne, Mh, 3T N(NG), member of the Gnarleymen, hard-up mercenaries, (post-war), FAC76
  232. Marial, Fh, 15M CG, henchman of Jallarzi, Vec92, TAB88
  233. Marie Sennefort, Fh, 7W(Ill) CG(CN), Fellowship of the Torch, FFF70, FAC72
  234. Maritai Jaruman, Mh, 5P CG, priest of Pelor, sewer crusader, FFF55
  235. Mathilde Dessenter, Fh, 12P N, head Priest of Istus, FFF29
  236. Martin, Mh, 4P CE, priest of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  237. Melezakan, Mh, [6Exp] CN, cartographer, proprietor Maps by Melezakan, 2LGJ11
  238. Melf, Prince Brightflame, Me, 13F12M NG(CG), Knights of Luna rep., secretive, (only rare visits in pre-war), FAC68
  239. Mendel, Mh, 5F NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  240. Merreck Purzell, Mh, 9T N, Thieves’ Guild member, Org Nenshen supporter, River Qtr master thief, FAC11, TAB108
  241. Mezakine the Exemplary, Fh, [14Exp] NG, Dean of Grey College, 4LGJ7
  242. Miklos Dare, Mh, 4F LG, proprieter of the Black Dragon Inn, retired adventurer, GoF68, TAB95, 5LGJ4
  243. Mitchifer; M?, ??, proprietor of the World Serpent Inn (disguised as the Wild Goose), never encountered outside of his tavern, TOP5, 2LGJ11
  244. Mizaab Zalen, appears as Mh, ?W LN, Greyhawk dragon, owner Grey Manor, see “Sturtevant
  245. Moltar, Mh, 3P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  246. Mordenkainen, Mh, 20+M N, member Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, FFF21, 0LGJ9 , this website
  247. Moriton Tallinn, Mh, 4T NE, just another thief, Grugrunk gang, associated with Jerilyn Tallinn, GA112
  248. Morton Hammel, Mh, NM LN(G), merchant (foodstuffs & cloth trader), owner 3 warehouse, FFF89
  249. Naas Sarainy Siobharek, Mhe, 4T LE, spy for Scarlet Brotherhood, cover “Rainy”, Grey College student, FFF82, FAC68, post-war 10T,  bartender Brass Dragon Inn, TAB119
  250. Narisan Kerreth, Mh, 1F NG, spokesman for city Nyrondese exiles, (post-war), FAC82
  251. Nastassia Aiareni Nightstar, Fh(part elf), 4F4M LG, Fellowship of the Torch, FFF69, FAC72
  252. Nellisir Avanson, Mh, 6F LG, Artisans’ Quarter City Watch Station Captain, TAB112, 2LGJ7
  253. Nerof Gasgal, Mh, 12T LN, mayor of Greyhawk, on city Oligarchy, assist. Thieves Guildmaster, FFF6, GA35, PG30, TAB63,87
  254. Nestor Morden,  Mh, 5F CE, Deputy Constable, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc9
  255. Nicholi Nortoi, Mh, 3P LG, priest of St.Cuthbert, operates small shrine in Shack Town, GoF42, 1Falc20, TAB77
  256. Nimhbell, Mh, 4T NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc18
  257. Nirifel Meldarin, Fhe, 12B N, entertainer at Silver Dragon Inn, TAB101
  258. Noblock, Mgn, 5T4W(Ill) CN, master pest, FFF82
  259. Nokla Fischer, Mg, 4F N, post-war owner of Dragon Turtle Tavern, brother to Grimmri, TAB127
  260. Nystul, Mh, 17M N, member Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, FFF24, Vec85, 0LGJ10 , this website
  261. Olaf Al-Azul, Mh, 11F N, proprieter of the Silver Dragon Inn, former mercenary, GoF78, TAB101
  262. Old Mother Grubb, Fh(vamp), 16M8+3HD CE, owns brothel & gambling house, makes & sells zombies, FFF50, FAC11, killed in CY582, TAB120
  263. One-Eye (One-Leg) Halloran, Mh, 14F5M (C)N(G), owner Low Seas Tavern, retired adventurer, yarn spinner, GoF81, TAB106
  264. Org Nenshen, Mh, 14T LN, Guildmaster of Thieves, on city Oligarchy, associated with Nerof Gasgal, FFF38, GA38, post-war is 18T, TAB63,87
  265. Orrin Thundercleaver, Md, 4F LG, Weaponsmiths' Guildmaster, TAB112, 2LGJ7
  266. Ortux the Hand, Mh, 15Pal LG, Knight of the Hart, henchman of Bigby, visiting, Vec93
  267. Otiluke, Mh, 16M N, Circle of 8, president of Society of Magi, on city oligarchy,  FFF25, Vec86, post-war is dead, TAB110, this website
  268. Otto Dernholm, Mh, 0? ?, Guildmaster of Barbers and Dentists, FFF31
  269. Otto, Mh, 16M5P N(NG), member Circle of 8, priest of Boccob, FFF23, Vec87, 0LGJ10, TAB89 , this website
  270. Owlbear, Mh, 4F CE, young street gang leader in Slum Qu., GA112
  271. Paks Teros, Mhe, 3F N, Carpenters' Guildmaster, Artisans, 2LGJ7
  272. Panjit Nairull, Mh, 6F LN, member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  273. Pantrell, Mh, 14Psi N(NG), master of Greyhawk School of Psionics, this website
  274. Parlane Agutter, Mh, 7P CN, head Priest of Norebo, FFF29
  275. Parpin, Mh, 2P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  276. Parras Haradraith, Mh, 12P LG, priest of Rao, ambassador of Veluna, (post-war), FAC62
  277. Pateris the Bard, Mhe, 14W(Div), post-war Mage of Exchange, Guild of Wizardry, replaced Kondradis Bubka, TAB87
  278. Pavel Alektrion, Mh, 11T N, Master thief Garden Quarter, FFF39
  279. Philidor (the Blue Wizard), Mh, 25M NG, mysterious archmage, sage, (post-war), FAC83 , this website
  280. Pietain Morvannis, Mh, 6F LE, Manager of the Pit, knows Zoran, associated with Andrade, FFF67, TAB103
  281. Porthos (Judge), Mh, NM LN, city judge, FFF93
  282. Pyremiel Alaxane, Mh, 9P CE, revolting priest of Iuz, ambassador of Iuz, (post-war), FAC63, later, 13P, hides in sewers, TAB109
  283. Quij, Morc, Bbn4/Rgr4 CN, masquerades as “Ral”, bartender at Roc and Oliphant Tavern, former associate of Lord Robilar, TAB98
  284. Raffel, Mh, 8M CE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  285. Ragnar Gundersson, Mh, 6F CE, bandit, agent for weapons dealer, Skandar's brother, Card11
  286. “Rainy”, see Naas Sarainy Siobharek
  287. Ral, appears as Mho, bartender at the Roc and Oliphant Tavern, see “Quij”
  288. Ralston Tour, Mh, 11F N, head of security at the Patricians' Club, GoF59, post-war Club owner, TAB84
  289. Ramann Damian, Mh, 9F LE, important Assassins' Guild member, FFF43
  290. Ramelos, Mh, 1F3P LG, Artisans’ Quarter Nightwatchmen Guild-Seargant, priest of St. Cuthbert, Artisans, 2LGJ9
  291. Ramin, Mh, ? NE, Org Nenshen's cousin, presently in dungeons, near release, GA38
  292. Ranald Immanen, Sir, Mh, 9F LG, ambassador from Nyrond, FAC63, TAB85
  293. Rary, Mh, 23M N, Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, FFF25, Vec87, post-war unlikely to visit the city, associated with Robilar, RtT12, this website
  294. Rashif Iqbal, Mh, 9F N, "the Sun Pasha" (champion wrestler) at the Pit, guildmaster of Gladiators, FFF67, TAB103
  295. Ravel Dasinder, Mh, 18P N, Patriarch of Boccob, on city Oligarchy, FFF28, TAB63
  296. Ravi Khanstrir, Mh, 6F N(NG), member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  297. Regalian Brax, Mh, 6T CN, leader Dunfalcon Alliance student social club at Black Dragon Inn, 5LGJ4
  298. Reichart Petrides, Count, Mh, 7F LN, ambassador from Duchy of Urnst, FFF7, TAB83
  299. Reiken Sarios, Mh, 7F5T LE, spy for Scarlet Brotherhood, associated with Sharmel Tautasi, Card11
  300. Ren o' the Star, Mhe, 7F7M CN, Guildmaster Merchants' & Traders' Union, on city Oligarchy, FFF35, GA40, FAC8, dies in CY583
  301. Repnel Porton, Mh, 8T N, Master thief Artisans' Qu., Master Streetcleaner Art. Q., FFF40
  302. Rhina the Ogress, Fogre, 11F (C)N, proprietess of the Silver Garter, GoF83, TAB110
  303. Ricard Damaris, Mh, 8F N(CN), owner Green Dragon Inn, FFF63, PG31, TAB106
  304. Rino Hormozi, Mh, 1P NE, student and young priest of Vecna, TAB98   
  305. Robbar Marade, Mh, 2F NG, member of the Gnarleymen, hard-up mercenaries, (post-war), FAC76
  306. Robilar, Lord, Mh, 15F LE, pre-war ?, post-war Marshall of the Bright Lands, henchman of Rary, disguised, rare visit, RtT10,
  307. Romar, Mh, 7F NE, Barsin's partner, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  308. Salif iz-Zelaq, Fh, ? ?, Zeifan merchant princess, member of Merchant & Traders Union since CY581, 4LGJ29
  309. Sampson, Mh, 1P LG, acolyte of St.Cuthbert, assist. to Nicholi Nortoi in Shacktown, 2Falc50
  310. Samrad Bevrain, Mh, 8M N, sewer Master of Monsters, FFF55
  311. Sarana, Fh, 15P NG, High Matriarch of Pelor, associated with Derider, FFF28, TAB91
  312. Savant-Sage, Mh, [10Exp] N, reclusive sage, Grey College, 4LGJ5
  313. Scarm Jenns, Mh, 1F NE, member City Watch, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 2Falc48
  314. Scherrin Marizian, Mh, 9T NG, merchant, ex-officio representative of the Ulek States, (post-war), FAC64
  315. Schinus Balint, Mh, 11F LN, commander Cairn Hills Force, reporting to headquarters, (post-war), FAC84
  316. Screel Dorfman, Mh, 3F NE, guildmaster Dockers and Wharfmens Union, Wharves, TAB77
  317. Sealin, Mh, 2P CE, acolyte of Iuz, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc51
  318. Selczek Gobayuik, Mho, 5F N, Guildmaster Embalmers & Gravediggers, associated with Agaran Esiassen, FFF33, TAB108
  319. Selmund Rogerssen, Mh, 0Lv [Ari3] NG, Royal Opera House, FFF60, TAB85
  320. Sen Thelamae, Mh, [18Exp] LE, toymaker, proprietor The Grinning Mammet , Artisans, 2LGJ11
  321. Sennard Porbell, Mh, NM LN, pawnbrocker, Card12
  322. Sental Nurev, Mh, 13F NG, capt-general of the Watch, on city Oligarchy, FFF9,GA37, FAC8,
  323. "Shadow" (The), Mh, 16+T ?, master thief mbr of High Qtr Chapt. Thieve's Guild, master of disguise, FFF38
  324. Shalm Furrikan, Mh, 10P(5Bard) CN, head Priest of Olidammara, FFF29
  325. Sharmel Tautasi, Fh, 5T L(N)E, spy for Scarlet Brotherhood, associated with Reiken Sarios, Card11
  326. Sharyn Messandier, Fh, 6T7P CN, Master thief Thieves' Qu., Priest of Kurell, associated with Tomas Ratek, FFF40, FAC11
  327. Sheroyl Kubiak, Fh, 10M N(NE), member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75, TAB105
  328. Simeon Hellwater, Mh, 4F5T N(E), pre-war Treasurer Beggars' Union, spy for Thieves Guild, FFF46, post-war Beggarmaster, TAB126
  329. Simpkin Furzear (the Weasel), Mhl, 12T N(NE), Master thief Foreign Q., controls gambling at the Pit, FFF41
  330. Sir Anton Palmirian, see Anton Palmirian
  331. Sir Garvin Ambus, see Garvin Ambus
  332. Sir Ranald Immanen, see Ranald Immanen, Sir
  333. Skreyn Oldsaen, Mh, 6T N, guildmaster of Ahlissan Merchants’ HQ, TAB102
  334. Slash, Mh, 3P CE, priest of Erythnul, cult leader at Flophouse, TAB128
  335. Skandar Gundersson, Mh, 5F CE, bandit, contact blackmailing Sental Nurev, Ragnar's brother, FFF84, FAC12
  336. Slick, Mh, 4T NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, 1probably dead after CY581, Falc18
  337. Smykal, Mh, 5F NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  338. Soria Selincross, Fh, 4W NG, chancellor of the University of the Flanaess, TAB99
  339. Sorum, Mh, 5F NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  340. Stakaster Villaine, Mh, 11P LN(N), head Priest of Zilchus, GoF65, FAC8, TAB63,92
  341. Stakri Sreabl, Fh, 4P NG, priest of Myhriss, Grey College student, 5LGJ8
  342. Stendal Bhaksi, Mh, ? ?, Lamplighters' Guildmaster, FFF34
  343. Stimtrin Cannasay, Md, 3F LN, Assistant Guildmaster Merchant's & Trader's Union, FFF35, post-war on city oligarchy TAB64,118
  344. Stivak Dorbreddin, Mh, 11T CG, freelance thief (the Phantom), merchant, FFF84
  345. Sturtevant, Mh, NM LN, retired wealthy merchant, Greyhawk Dragon alias Mizaab Zalen (MU), 2Falc58, TAB83
  346. Suleril Aleris, Mhe, NM NG, Grand Master of Repasts (chief chef) Golden Phoenix, knows Otto, FFF62
  347. Talasek Thraydin, Mh, 9Pal LG, trusted servant of St.Cuthbert, 1Falc57, PG31, TAB89
  348. Talos Darkfield, Mhl, 4T3Psi N, employee at the Broken Staff, student at the School of Psionics, this website
  349. Talrand Quehris, Mh, 13P N, head Priest of Xerbo, GoF86, TAB120
  350. Tarnek McGloogan, Mh, 9F N(NE), owns warehouse and shipping company, associated with Shapechangers, FFF53, post-war no longer owns warehouse, TAB107
  351. Tasir Nerullah, Mh, 8F N, member Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar mercenaries, (post-war), FAC75
  352. Tel Dittle, Mh, [2Com] N, proprietor of The Broken Staff, Artisans, 2LGJ11, this website
  353. Tenser, Mh, 20M LG(N), Circle of 8, may be disguised, FFF22, Vec88, post-war is dead, this website
  354. Theodain Eriason, Me, 17W CN, member Circle of 8, disguised, visiting, 0LGJ11
  355. Thurgis Falden, Mh, ?P N, visiting druid of Obad-Hai, associate of Lord Mastryne, 3LGJ27
  356. Thurman Dietrien, Mh, 9T N, Thieves’ Guild member, Org Nenshen supporter, FAC11, post-war 11T, Thieves’ Qtr master thief, TAB123
  357. Tigran Gellner, Mh, 10F LN, commander Cairn Hills Force, reporting to headquarters, FFF9, FAC8, FAC11, post-war becomes Capt-General of the Watch, on directing oligarchy, TAB63,81
  358. Timitrios Spartakos, Mh, 6M CN, former apprentice & enemy of Jaran Krimeeah, drunk, GA49
  359. Tobin Potriades, Mh, 16M LG, senior tutor University of Magical Arts, FFF20, TAB95, died in CY591, replaced by Abrazaldin Hosk, 5LGJ6
  360. Tomarkis Anchervar, Mh, Dean of Grey College, Vec20
  361. Tomas Ratek, Mh, 10T CN(E), Master thief River Quarter, FFF39, FAC11, disappeared during the Wars, warehouse now owned by Aros Mander, TAB108
  362. Tomas Waterfield, Mh, 2F N, member of the Gnarleymen, hard-up mercenaries, (post-war), FAC76
  363. Torrentz Hebvard, Mh, 10M LN, cursed artifact victim, FFF85, FAC12, post-war is President Society of Magi, on city oligarchy, TAB63
  364. Torsten Hardrick, Mh, 4F CN(G), bandit in search of a job, associated with the Rhennee, FFF85
  365. Torik Red-Axesson of Highfolk, Mhe, 12P NG, priest of Ehlonna, pre-war henchman of Rary, post-war likely ex-henchman, visiting, Vec93
  366. Torval, Mh, 5F NE, member Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc17
  367. Torval Mishkar, Mh, 9Pal LG, champion of St.Cuthbert, hunts undead, Bartholomew's partner, 2Falc51
  368. Trelestina Waymouth, Fhe, 5F6T N(G), part owner The Free Traders, spelljamming merchants, associated with Link, GSP78
  369. Trinian Poolgazer, Mhe, 3P5T LN, priest of Hextor, Grugrunk gang, GA113
  370. Tristram Whackerton-ffolkes, Mh, NM LN(G), personal secretary to Judge Porthos, FFF92
  371. Turin Deathstalker, Mh, 15F LE(LN), pre-war Assassin Guildmaster, on city Olig., associated with Vesper, Nerof, Org, FFF42, GA39, FAC8, post-war Commander of the Greyhawk Militia garrison at Safeton, TAB101
  372. Ulrik Nessarien, Mh, 5M17T NE, Scarlet Brotherhood master spy, clerical attaché to amb. Ghrigiel, (post-war), FAC67
  373. Valderesse Sharn, Fh, 9Pal LG, Lady of Holy Shielding, associated with Artur Jakartai, FFF73, FAC11
  374. Valkrys Hurth, Mh, 1T4F[10Sp], rhennee lord, Darkhagardsman10, River, 2LGJ19
  375. Vanrio, Mh, ??, gifted actor, 2LGJ29
  376. Varmai Zendeihei, Fh, 7F* LG, adventurer, V. bracers, FFF79
  377. Veni Jarrison, Mh, 7F10P LG, head priest Church of Mayaheine, (post-war), FAC85, TAB117
  378. Vesparian Lafanel (Vesper), Me(grey), 7M7T NE, 2nd rank Assassins' Guild, pawn shop owner, FFF43, FAC11, post-war is 10M11T, Assassins Guildmaster, on city oligarchy TAB63,126
  379. Votz, Mgoblin, LE, captive at the Bardschool, son of Garrak Bloodbather, 5LGJ8
  380. Waldo Parstiche, Mh, [4Com] NG, owner of the Fat of the Hog, Ernest's brother, GoF74, 2LGJ9
  381. Waldorf (The Archmage), Mh, 1W CN, storyteller and owner of the Roc and Oliphant Tavern, TAB 98
  382. Warnes Starcoat, Mh, 20W N, member Circle of 8, sometimes disguised, visiting, 0LGJ11
  383. Wasim Qharallah, Mh, 12F N, leader Golden Scimitar mercenaries, Tusmite, (post-war), FAC75, PG31, TAB105
  384. Wergi Dael, Fh, 2F LG, Union of Laborers guildmaster, City Depot, TAB123
  385. Weston, Mh, 7M LG, associated with Temple of St.Cuthbert, 2Falc50
  386. Willy, Mh, NM ?G, Harsi's 12 year old son, heir to the Whistling Fish, 1Falc6
  387. Wilyard Greathand, Mh, 3F LN, guildmaster of the City Mintworkers, TAB96, 5LGJ7
  388. Xanthi Lamman, Fh, 10P NE, high priestess of Nerull, Cult of Shriven Sickle, norm underground, FFF58
  389. Xarden the Ox, Mh, 1F NE, post-war leader of Gnarleyhouse, TAB100
  390. Xerien Albhart, Fh, 4T N(CN), waitress, wanna-be actress, Nerof's illeg. daughter, FFF85, post-war manages Turin’s Servant Agency, TAB116
  391. Xyter Zitre, Mh, 17+T N(CN), freelance master thief, known only by his signature “Z” monogrammed glove, visiting, disguised, 5LGJ5
  392. Yagos Slevak, Mh(rhen), 10T NE, Vecna cultist, associated with Zorran Sarraith, probably dead after CY581, Vec83
  393. Yars Blud-Sigul, Md, 14F N, henchman of Nystul, Vec95
  394. Yrag the Lord, Mh, 13F LN, administrator of Fordkeep, former associate of Mordenkainen and Robilar, goes by “Yr”, TAB114, 2LGJ8
  395. Zaccaruso, Madame, Fh, 4M N(E), owner of boarding house, rumored to be witch, GoF86, TAB121
  396. Zalkan Sooth, Mh(rhen), 5F6T N(G), proprieter of the River Rat, GoF81, TAB107
  397. Zartis Deen, Fdoppleganger, 2T N, Org Nenshens’ girlfriend, TAB88
  398. Zembak Narsa, Mh, 8P CE, priest of Iuz, leader Spurned Cult of Iuz, probably dead after CY581, 1Falc50
  399. Zibber, Mgn, 6Ill CG, Dophdar's twin brother, Card7
  400. Zoran Sarraith, Mh(rhen), 9F11T NE, Rhennee lord, smuggler, associated with Shriven Sickle, Horned Society, FFF49, FAC11
  401. Zorbo, Mh, ?T ?, manager of Zorbo's House of Fun, secret entrance to Thieve's Guild, GoF86

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